
Ainx makes installing Pterodactyl addons almost as easy as blueprint, but for any panel.

Installing an Addon with Patches

For very (and I mean very) heavily modfied panels, ainx installs may modify files you do not want it to. You can use the genpatch command in order to avoid this.

Step 1:

Move the .ainx file to your current directory. If you want to upgrade an addon, also move the old .ainx file under a different name.

Step 2:

Make sure ainx is installed and ready-to-use. Follow the steps in the installation of ainx if you haven't already.

Step 3:

Please read details on the includeCompat flag before running anything.

Run the ainx genpatch command, make sure to replace <addon> with the full .ainx filename.

ainx genpatch <addon>

Following arguments exist, that you should know about:



The output file location for the patch.


Skip Ainx Metadata installation steps, only use if you really know what you are doing.


Skips the route adding process, useful when using the default pterodactyl panel.tar.gz to avoid conflicts.


This argument decides the base of the ainx patch, by default it downloads the latest panel.tar.gz and uses it as the patch base, you can enter any network address that resolves to a zip/tar or a local directory.


The old Ainx file to update from, if provided will install the old .ainx file first, then the new one above it and you get a patch for the changes between both addon versions.


VERY IMPORTANT! READ: This argument makes sure that the patch includes ainx required compatibility changes. If you haven't installed any ainx 1.9.0+ addon on your panel, you will need to have atleast 1 addon use this option to include ainx changes.

Step 4:

The addon patch should now be found (by default) at <addon>.patch. To install it you would usually use the following but it all depends on your goal:

patch -Np1 -i <addon>.patch

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